:Archives (April 04, 2003)

Friday April 4

Journalist Michael Kelly Killed In Iraq

Atlantic Monthly editor and Washington Post columnist Michael Kelly was killed today in a Humvee accident while covering the war in Iraq.

Michael Kelly

Kelley authored an op-ed in last Sunday's Washington Post, "Limited War, So Far," that formed the basis for my post on "Shock & Awe." He perceptively pointed out that today's military doctrine is an oxymoron, one of "total limited war," that is being put to the test in Iraq.

Perhaps the ultimate irony is that Kelly did not live to see whether the military passes that test. But his insights live on.

 Posted by glenn at 07:34 PM | Comments (0)

English.Aljazeera.net Back Up

After a week of battling hackers, a distributed denial of service attack and the cancellation of its hosting contract by Akami, the Arab satellite news network Al-Jazeera has finally gotten its english-language Web site back up.

This is really offensive. Not their coverage, which may or may not be accurate, but rather that hackers -- surely Americans -- would use their technology skills to prevent other Americans from getting news and information with other viewpoints from around the globe. We live in a pluralistic world, and whether you agree with the Iraq War or not, all Americans should decry any attempt to restrict the ability of our citizens to have free access to news and information on the Internet from any media source worldwide. Yet in spite of being mostly knocked offline, the Al Jazeera Web site of was among the most sought-after last week. So there is some intelligence in the universe after all!

 Posted by glenn at 01:57 PM | Comments (17)