April 5, 2005

Stop the 'Nats

It's only day two of the '05 baseball season and I am already sick of these luddite pundits who just can't stop talking (endless talking is really baseball epitomized) about the return of MLB and the "Nationals" to Washington, D.C. Like Tom Boswell of the Washington Post, who today described baseball lyrically as a game in which "[h]ours of incident simply set the stage for a handful of truly crucial confrontations."

Sorry, Tom, you are living in another century. Baseball is long stretches of absolutely nothing punctuated by a few, brief moments when almost everyone is looking the other way. The NFL is the official state religion of the United States. Baseball is for you, George Will and other throwbacks to an idyllic agrarian American past that -- as anyone from the Midwest or the Great Plains knows -- never really existed in the first place.

 Posted by glenn
